NetSuite Advanced PDF Templates offer a revolutionary way for businesses to manage their document generation and enhance their brand identity. By combining customization, automation, and efficiency, this feature empowers businesses to create professional, personalized, and consistent documents that resonate with customers and streamline internal operations. As more companies recognize the value of such tools in optimizing their processes, the adoption of solutions like NetSuite Advanced PDF Templates is likely to become a standard practice across industries.

The third-party products that enhance the NetSuites Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

So here are few tips & Tricks.

Show who is printing the PDF: using the User Object
<#assign currentUserFName = user.firstname>
<#assign currentUserLName = user.lastname>
<#assign currentUserEmail =>
<#assign currentUserPhone =>

Sort a list based on some column/field value:
<#list list?sort_by(“fieldid”)?reverse as list></#list>
Show the time when the PDF was printed:
<#assign currentTime = .now?string(“M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss a”)>

render Content on a new page:
<pdfset> tag is used to render multiple pages for a single PDF print, this element must have one or more PDF children, which may either have a BODY as normal or a src attribute and no children, to combine a previously created PDF.


      Document body here for Page1

      Document body here for Page2


Force Break at the specified point in the document:

<pbr> tags are used used to break the page at a specific point in the PDF.

<body size="A4">
  This page is A4.
  <pbr size="A4-landscape"/>
  This page is A4 landscape, and all subsequent pages will be too.

If used wisely anything and everything can be done using this powerful tool Adv PDF. Hope this helped and for more designes/customizations please contact us or Schedule a call.
